Carlo Barreto

Billy Goat Ruffians :15

We know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thing or two.

Generating and producing work for Farmers Insurance was an incredibly fun, rewarding and instructive experience.

During my time at RPA, I made about a dozen Farmers spots and created a multitude of digital and social extensions. The scripts were based on real insurance claims, which we reimagined and build upon in comedic and surprising ways.

Above are three of my favorite Farmer’s spots, Billy Goat Ruffians, Coupe Soup and Turfnapping– a film which delightfully plays with the campaign’s construct.

One of the most rewarding and unique aspects of Farmers was the creation of digital franchises that used the broadcast work as a base upon which we developed fresh ideas.

Below are two of the franchises I created, one that playfully subverts YouTube’s ubiquitous “Skip Button” and another that features action figures to get to the bottom of each outlandish, yet real, claim.  

You can’t skip
the tough moments
in life.

While working on Farmers Insurance we saw an incredible amount of real life accidents and realized that these moments were unavoidable.

We brought this insight to life with a set of fun and memorable contextual YouTube pre-roll videos.

Cause and effect.

Here Farmers’ Professor Burke explores the principle of causation, while teaching us what basic precautions  will help us avoid experiencing similar unfortunate events. 

Here is some fun stop motion content we created for the Farmers Hall of Claims website. My homage to Street Fighter II, featuring a martial artist goat below.

We are Farmers.
bum bum bum bum!

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